
The noise kids make are the beats of music mothers put into rhythm, loved, and treasured forever in the heart. -Rhona Remo, The Cheerful Mama

Hello! My name is Rhona Remo, LPT, Family Life Educator, parent coach, newbie homeschooling mom, and a SAHM to 4 daring and raring kids.

This is my little space to share with you some ways how to navigate this crazy but awesome world of motherhood.   

“There are so many times you will feel you have failed, but in the eyes, heart and mind of your child, you are supermom.”

-Stephanie Precourt

If you are mom (hoping or going to be one soon), you landed at the right spot.  Mothering is a tough job (no questions asked!) and sometimes we lose our cool (a lot, don’t we?).  Don’t worry, we all do.  

I know that mom-guilt is hard to ignore when we find ourselves screaming at the top of our lungs.

It could be tiring and sometimes it’s really exhausting keeping it all together.

And, I’m sure you want to make it better. But, you need not to be guilty, mama. So, let’s help each other and learn how to let go of “mom-guilt” by nourishing home life with cheerfulness.  

But how are we going to do that? 

  • Let’s grow in faith.  

Bad days do happen (PERIOD).  But, it’s not the end of the world. It’s just a hump in this journey we call life.  Faith will help us see that we are showered with blessings more than you know.  So, take time to enjoy the rain and those tears will surely be washed away. Our faith will help us be grateful mamas!

  • Let’s grow in hope.  

Do you know that hope makes any difficult situation bearable?  It gives us that lift and capacity to choose moving forward to face every situation with a more positive reaction.  It gives us the sense of excitement to wake up and begin again each day with a renewed spirit. Our hope will make us warrior mamas!

“You may not always have a comfortable life and you will not always be able to solve all of the world’s problems at once but don’t ever underestimate the importance you can have because history has shown us that courage can be contagious and hope can take on a life of its own.”

– Michelle Obama
  • Lastly, grow in love.  

This is the superpower of every human being, especially mamas like you and me.  Just imagine all the sacrifices you are willing to take for your little ones (and husband too!) – all in the name of LOVE!

Because love is limitless and makes us courageous in ways you never knew you have in you. Our love will make us fearless mamas!

These 3 things – faith, hope, and love – will change the way we think, which will eventually trickle to the things that we do.  In the end, you respond to a situation with cheer and without a grudge. And this is the path, I think, would lead to growing in cheerfulness and help us, mamas, carry through motherhood without the guilt for the not so good days we experience.

The virtue of cheerfulness does not come naturally to me. In fact, I struggle daily to grow in it. In my journey, it has taught me so much about maneuvering motherhood with lightness in both the mind and heart. It has helped me keep my sanity and happiness intact.  The more I strive for it, the more I noticed that I am working not just to be a better mama but more importantly to be a better person. And this is what I hope to share with you.

This blog, the aims is to help you:

  • love yourself authentically and enjoy being a woman, wife, and mother without the guilt (in focusing about YOU!)
  • create a strong relationship with your husband where courtship and dating never ends
  • build a sound and solid foundation to be the parent that your child not only needs but also wants
  • transform your house into a home with a warm, bright and cheerful atmosphere

We can enjoy our womanhood, wifehood, and motherhood without feeling tired and exhausted. It’s possible and achievable.

And, as I strive to be “The Cheerful Mama” that my family needs, I hope you’ll join me. Let’s inspire each other and surely we would both grow. If you want, we can even be accountability partners – just send me a message here and I’d be glad to have this journey with you.

See you around!